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Year 5

Autumn 2

Exciting Learning Highlights from This term!

This term has been packed with amazing learning experiences across all subjects! Here's a glimpse of what our pupils have been up to:


Our budding writers have been hard at work crafting engaging narratives. They’ve brought their stories to life with vivid character and setting descriptions that showcase their creativity. As part of our focus on Roald Dahl’s Matilda, the children also wrote thoughtful letters as Matilda herself, capturing her unique voice and character beautifully.


It’s been a busy term in Maths! Our learners have been tackling long division with determination and practising their skills with both regular and irregular shapes. They’ve also explored symmetry and dived into converting between different units of measurement. Plus, we continued building confidence in reading the time and deepened our understanding of fractions.


In Science, we’ve been learning all about the human life cycle and gestation. The children were fascinated to explore the incredible journey of life, from its earliest stages to how we grow and change over time.

Project-Based Learning (PBL)

History came alive in PBL as we delved into key events in British history after 1066. The children were captivated by the stories of the past and how these events have shaped the world we live in today. Our project outcome was truly amazing! Pupils worked collaboratively to showcase their knowledge in creative and inspiring ways!

It’s been a fantastic term full of discovery and achievement. We’re so proud of all our children and can’t wait for what’s next! 🌟

Happy holidays!

Autumn 1

Year 5 have enjoyed a fantastic first half-term back at Ainslie Wood. After an excellent Early Risers, pupils returned refreshed and ready to learn.

In English, we have created our very own non-chronological reports on subjects that interested us. After learning the features of a report and conducting independent research, we put our information into paragraphs and shared our outcomes with one another.

We have been focusing on the four operations in Maths. After consolidating our knowledge of place value, we practised both addition and subtraction, before moving on to multiplication and division. We also looked at the reciprocal relationship between operations, learning about using the inverse to check our answers.

Our project this term is Artistic Historians. We were tasked with finding an event in British history between 1066 and modern day that interests us. Once we had chosen an event, we then had to choose a picture to base our research on, working towards the end goal of an artistic representation of our findings.

Elsewhere, we have studied famous authors for Black History Month, practised our netball skills in PE and studied animals, including humans, in Science.