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Year 6

Autumn 2

It has been a jam packed half term and everyone is excited for the Christmas holidays. We have continued working on our WW2 project ‘We are Evacuees’. The children continued to become experts in their chosen area and then became teachers, presenting their learning to the rest of the year group through posters and Google slides. We then delved deeper into evacuees and created our own: ration books, gas masks, gas mask boxes, ID cards and luggage tags which cumulated in our Evacuee day. The children came to school dressed as Evacuees and took part in WW2 learning. This included listening to WW2 songs, writing a letter home and creating our own propaganda posters. To end the project, we visited ‘The Imperial War Museum’. We loved exploring the planes, tanks and WW2 artefacts. The children even got to go inside an Anderson shelter and a Morrison shelter. It was a tight squeeze, but it gave the children an insight into what it would have been like during an air raid. 

In Maths, we have been working hard solving fractions, decimals and percentage problems. We have also started unpicking reasoning questions to understand the steps we need to take to solve the questions. In Writing, we have continued focusing on WW2 books. We enjoyed reading ‘Friend or Foe’ and wrote a letter as ‘David’ , who was an evacuee, back to his Mum in London. Next, we moved onto ‘Rose Blanche’, we explored the themes in the book, the character’s emotions and the contrasts at different points in the book. We then worked hard to write an additional scene where we conveyed life in Germany during WW2. 

We  enjoyed taking some time to be present and mindful during our yoga sessions in P.E. We learnt a range of different breathing techniques and positions. We are looking forward to the end of the year and will  be ready to continue our journey in Year 6 in the new year. 

Autumn 1

We have had a great first half-term! We have all settled well into Year 6 and have been working hard, showing perseverance.

In English, we delved into the book 'The Viewer' and explored the setting of the junkyard, built a bank of vocabulary and then wrote setting descriptions. We also explored how the character felt at different parts of the story. We won't give the story away, but we were quite shocked by the ending.

Our History focused Project this term is 'We are Evacuees'. We enjoyed exploring the WW2 books, artefacts and videos during the hook into our projects. We came up with lots of questions we wanted to find out more about. We looked at ration books, clothes and even gas masks. Imagine having to carry that around everywhere you go. Then we chose an area to focus on, which included; life in WW2, Women in WW2, Allies and Axis, Anne Frank and the Blitz. We have worked in groups to research the areas and are creating presentations in order to teach the rest of the year group about the area we decided to become experts in.

We also loved Beyond class' assembly, learning more about what it was like to be an evacuee in World War two and listening to some letters home that people wrote. We are looking forward to learning more about what life was like for evacuees next half term.

October is Black History month. Our theme this year is social change and legacy. We choose individuals to focus on that have been influential and made big differences. Some of these include; Martin Luther King junior, Ruby Bridges, Hariett Tubman and many others. Infinity Class assembly was very informative about this and we all learnt a lot from it. 

In maths we have spent the half term focusing on the four main operations and making sure we are able to apply all the different methods and answer reasoning questions to further our understanding. We are also working hard on our arithmetic skills trying to get quicker at answering the questions. 

We all need to have a restful half term so we are refreshed and ready to continue some amazing learning when we return.