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What a great Autumn Term we have had! We can not believe how quickly it has gone and now Christmas is around the corner.

We have enjoyed seeing Buddy the Elf in Construct Class and watching all the mischief he has been up to in our classroom. We have shown him how to make good choices and I am sure he is letting Santa know how good we have been. 

The Progress we have made since September has been amazing and we have learned and achieved so much!

In Maths this half term, we have been very busy!
We have been learning how to tell the time using half past and o'clock as well as how to recognise coins and their value. We learned that even though the smallest coin is the 5p, the 1p coin actually has the least value. We really enjoyed making up the different variations to the value of some of the coins - having a good understanding of addition from last half term really helped us with this learning! I wonder how many ways you could pay for something that is 10p? 

We also enjoyed learning about capacity and we got to experiment with lots of different containers using some water. Some of us thought that the tallest container would hold the most water but sometimes it was actually the widest container. The classrooms did get a little messy with water - but we had lots of fun!

We can not wait to start the Spring Term after Christmas and we have lots more exciting learning planned. 

Have a wonderful and restful Christmas Break!


15th October 2020


In Year 1, we have had a fantastic start to the Autumn Term!

We have settled in so well to our new classrooms and shared area. We are loving being back at school and being with our friends again!  


We have been very busy with our maths learning over the last few weeks; looking at numbers 1-20, making patterns and looking for shapes within our new environments. 

We are able to add and subtract two numbers together using lots of different resources to help us - as well as using our fingers too. We can also write a number sentence using the addition and subtraction symbols and remembering to use an equals sign to show our answer. 

Then we had great fun playing 2-D shape bingo to help us learn about the properties of 2-D shapes. It was fun being able to shout out SHAPE BINGO when we had a counter on each of the shapes! We can even tell you the differences between an octagon, pentagon and a hexagon!

We are excited to begin learning about 3-D shapes and to explore the differences between 2-D and 3-D shapes within our environments. Ask us which ones we already know...







We have been on many adventures during our English learning. We sailed the sea with pirates, who love underpants and described the settings using adjectives. We had a dreamy adventure with Max from ‘Where the wild things are’, made a prediction on where we thought he was going next and designed our very own wild thing. We also made sandwiches for our very own wild things picnic. Then we went on to explore out senses, we can tell you all about them!  We explored our sense of sight and focused on things that we can see around us. We listened and identified different sounds, used our sense of smell to  recognise familiar and unfamiliar scents and used our sense of taste to describe different types of fruits and vegetables. We are now learning about autumn through our senses, pictures and poems.  You can ask us what we know about the autumn season...
