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Spring 2:


This half term in Year 6, we have continued with the theme of World War II and explored many other events that had occurred during World War II and how that had affected many countries around the world. We continued to use the book ‘Friend or Foe’ to help us in our English writing. We planned letters from the characters perspective and explored the many themes that people had experienced during World War II such as evacuation, country life and children having to leave their parents and move to the countryside.

We then went onto explore another book called ‘Rose Blanche’, in which we navigated through Nazi Germany through the perspective of a child. This helped us in English with writing different styles of story openers, additional scenes and poetry. The children really enjoyed understanding, exploring and researching about how the war had started and the effect of the war on other parts of the world.


The children have also participated in other activities, such as a workshop which focused on exploring social, moral and cultural issues. The children also participated in World Book Week and came dressed up as either an adjective or their favourite book character, and it was lovely to see the children all dressed up as well as share their favourite authors. If that wasn’t exciting enough, the children had the opportunity to meet and speak to a coach that works at the Tottenham football stadium.


We are really proud of all the effort the children have been putting in during this time and how they have been preparing for their SATs as well as developing skills ready for secondary school. We look forward to doing many more fun packed things during the summer term.

Spring 1:


What an amazing term we had! We travelled back in time to World War 2 through the story Friend or Foe. We were amazed to learn how people were living during the war. The children have written a playscript based on different scenes within the story and a diary entry from the perspective of a character from the story.


In Maths, we have continued to become more secure with understanding the 4 operations through reasoning skills. We have been developing skills that would help us answer 2 step problems. We have also been using our reasoning skills to answer money problems during Finance Friday. We have also been learning about co-ordinates, we enjoyed creating a huge co-ordinates grid in our classroom and plotting the points. The children have really been working hard to improve their skills.


We had a lot of fun with all the extra activities we have been participating in. The children had created their very own book that has lots storybook recommendations. They thoroughly enjoyed explaining why they recommended their favourite book. Additionally, during children’s mental health week, the children loved choosing and participate in various workshops that consisted of activities that allowed children to express themselves. The children explored dance, drama, mindfulness, collage making and many more exciting activities! We also recapped over the importance of internet safety and how we can stay safe online.


Next term we look forward to continue with developing our writing, reading and Maths skills.

Autumn 2

Wow! What a jam packed half term we have had in Year 6.

This half term we have delved into the climate change emergency, researching all about the factors that are causing climate change and the devastating impact they are having on our world, wildlife and oceans. We were shocked at the speed that the globe is warming up and the drastic change in weather patterns. We knew we had to do something straight away to make even a small difference.


We listened to inspirational climate change speeches from Greta Thunberg and many other motivational speakers who inspired us further to make a change. Once we had collected research via webpages, articles and videos we began writing our persuasive letters to Rishi Sunak: urging him to act before it's too late. We look forward to hearing from him... We then chose areas of climate change to focus more in depth, resulting in us creating our own non-chronological reports.


In PBL, we have been using our artistic skills to design climate change murals with catchy slogans. During this project we also developed our collaboration skills as well as self and peer critique in order to improve our designs.


We have been very busy in Maths, as we have been honing our skills for fluency in the 4 operations as well as developing our reasoning skills. We have also been delving into fractions, decimals and percentages. We have learnt lots of different strategies to support us in solving questions. Finance Friday has been fab as we have been learning all about exchange rates, saving and working to a budget, now we know how our parents feel.


This term, Year 6 have launched the SPELL graduation system. We have all been working extremely hard to earn SPELL dojos for; STRETCH (challenging ourselves to be reach our potential), PROGRESS (progressing in all our learning), ENGAGE (engaging relentlessly in behaviour for learning) LEARN (Learning to love learning), LISTEN (listening attentively and showing respect). We are striving towards earning our bronze awards. A big focus in Year 6 is also aspiration, therefore we have been exploring what this means and thinking about how we can meet our goals for the future.


We are looking forward to next term to continue challenging ourselves and striving for our goals.



Autumn 1


What a great first half term it has been!

In English, we delved into the book ‘The Viewer’. We loved exploring the story and coming up with lots of vocabulary about how the character was feeling. The children used all the vocabulary they had collected to write a detailed setting description of the junkyard. Ask the children about all the peculiar and unique things they found in the junkyard. This then gave the children the confidence to write a diary entry as the character in the story -Tristan. Did you hear about the strange and peculiar box Tristan had found in the junkyard?


In Maths, the children recapped over place value and thought about all the areas of Maths we need place value for. We then went on to explore addition and subtraction, recapping on the different methods we can use with a focus on column method. We enjoyed applying our knowledge to reasoning and word problems and explaining how we solved them. Following on from this, we went back to basics by recapping over our times tables. Then we focused on applying our times table knowledge to multiplication and division problems.  The children have been working really hard on developing their reasoning skills.


In PBL, our current Project ‘WE ARE Forensic Scientists’ got off to a great start! The children researched about DNA, fingerprints, gathered data and in groups created their very own police boards. You might have heard of a crime that was committed in Year 6. The Beyond class iPad was stolen and the children had to put on their forensic scientist caps to solve the crime. Beyond Class assembly shared what had happened in part 1 of the two part assembly and what they had investigated including; fingerprints found, hair samples, shoeprints, a note and many other clues. We then had to wait for a couple of weeks to find out who committed the crime in part 2 of the assembly by Infinity class, where you would’ve found out that the crime was committed by ….
