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National Bird Watching Week

We have been looking for different types of birds in our Nursery garden. We used binoculars and marked them off on our sheets when we found one.




Chinese New Year

We celebrated Chinese New Year in Nursery. We watched the story of how the zodiac animals got chosen. We then used Duplo to make our own dragons.


Little Rabbit Foo Foo Subtising

When outside we had to search around the Nursery garden and find all the Little Rabbit Foo Foo pictures. When we had found them we had to place them on the 10's frames and see how many we had.

We all did great team work and counting! Well done everyone!



Building enclosures




We have been looking at the different materials that we can build with and how we can make enclosures. We used the large wooden blocks outside and the Duplo inside. It was hard work but we did a great job!


